Register A New Domain Name or Transfer & Renew with our Cheap Domain Name Prices
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What Do You Need To Register A Domain Name
To register a,, or domain name an Australian ABN is required. During the ordering process we will ask you for an Entity ID which is where you enter your ABN.
Only non-commercial organisations can register and domains. An Australian incorporated association or non-profit organisation is a requirement. The full .AU domain eligibility and policy rules can be viewed on the website.
There are no requirements for registering .com, .net, .org, .info and most other domains. All that is required is contact details and an email address to which the domain is registered to.
What Is Included in the Domain Price
Free WHOIS privacy is available for .com domain names. All domains have access to manage DNS Zones which includes nameservers, A Records, CName Records, MX Records and TXT Records. Other services include email forwarders and domain redirection. Domain lock is available for all domains except for .au domains.
You Can Transfer Existing Domain Names to Our Service and Save
It is free to transfer any .au domain name to us, domain renewal is not included with .au transfers. When the domain comes due for renewal the price will be the regular cheap registration price as listed on this page.
Transferring .com, .net, .org or .info domains require renewal on transfer as per the Registrar rules. However no existing registration time is lost as the expiry date is extended for 1 extra year. The transfer and renewal prices are the same as the registration price.
What Do You Need to Transfer a Domain To Us
To transfer a domain name you will need to get the domain transfer password from the current domain management login. You will need to enter this into our order form when ordering. You should also have access to the current contact registrant email address that is set for the domain. For .au domains you receive an email from the Registrar with a confirmation link which needs to be clicked to initiate the transfer.
How Long Does a Domain Transfer Take to Complete
When a domain transfer is initiated it takes approximately 48 hours for a .au transfer to complete. For other domains a transfer takes approximately 7 days but this time can vary. Once a domain transfer starts the domain cannot be managed or updated until the transfer is completed. So it is important to update the domain nameservers to ours before starting the transfer if you want to use your Hostmatrix hosting account straight away.
Please note, when transferring .au domains you will receive an email to the registrant contact email address with a confirmation link which needs to be clicked to start the transfer. After clicking the link the transfer will take 48 hours to complete, after which time you can start managing the domain from within our website login and start enjoying our cheap domain renewal prices.
How to Use Web Hosting With a Domain Name
Once your domain is registered you can start making a website and using email addresses for that domain. To do this you will need a web hosting account. You can order web hosting at the same time when registering your domain name. We also provide Free SSL certificates with all our hosting accounts to secure your website and domain. So get started today and take advantage of our cheap domain names and web hosting.
Please note domain renewal is not included when transferring .au domains. Once transfer is complete the domain can be renewed. .au transfers take 48hrs to complete. Other domains take approximately 7 days to complete transfer.
Price to change ABN/ACN of any AU domain at the Registry is $33.