How to Install WordPress
How to install WordPress easily with Softaculous
Login to your cPanel either via or via your account login.
At the bottom of the page in Softaculous Apps Installer section, click the WordPress logo.
At the top left lick on Install
On the Software Setup page you will need to enter some details about your WordPress site.
Leave the version as is to install the latest version of WordPress.
Choose the https:// protocol.
Make sure the correct domain is showing to install on.
Leave In Directory blank to install WordPress at
To install WordPress in a subdirectory eg just enter site.
If you already have a website on your domain and want to keep that site live while developing your new WordPress site we advise to install into a folder, eg site. Later when you’re ready you can change the folder so that your WordPress site becomes your home page.
Scroll down to the Site Settings section.
You can enter your Site Name and Site Description. You can change these later if needed.
Do not click Enable Multisite.
In the Admin Account section enter an Admin Username and Admin Password.
It is best not to use admin as the username, instead use something like johnsmith.
Choose a strong password and take note of these details for later use.
Make sure you write down or take note of your admin username and password as you will need them later.
In the Select Plugins section tick on the Limit Login Attempts plugin. This will add some basic security to your site.
Enter an email address into the Email installation details to: field so you get a copy of the installation details. You will require these details later.
The email you receive with installation details does not include your password. Make sure you write down or take note of your admin username and password.
Click Install.
After a few moments WordPress will be installed at the location you set.
Viewing your WordPress website
Your homepage will be at your installation address eg
Your WordPress will initially install with the 2019 theme:
Logging into your WordPress Admin Dashboard
To start editing your WordPress website you can login at the Admistrative URL eg
Your admin username and password which you took note of earlier are required.